How to fertilize Citrus trees with Vermicompost

Citrus trees will benefit from a slightly nitrogen rich or balanced NPK fertilizer. Vermicompost is rich in nitrogen and contain plenty of micronutrients including boron, copper, iron, manganese, magnesium and zinc. A young Citrus tree can be fertilized every once every 2-3 months First we are going a create a circular ring around the Citrus tree The ring shall be at an radius of 2 to 3 feet and do not disturb the roots We should not place fertilizer near the trunk of the tree Apply 20 Kgs of Vermicompost around the tree. Spread the fertilizer evenly and do not mound against the trunk. After completing fertilization, cover them with the removed soil After fertilization, tree will be healthy, with lush, dark-green foliage and fruits Citrus tree fertilizing can also be done through the leaves Finally irrigate the soil and keep the soil the most.