
How to plant guava trees

  Guava can be propagated by seed , branch cutting , grafting and air layering . For commercial cultivation, it is best grafted onto a established root-stock . The guava seedlings grow very fast if proper care is taken Successful Guava cultivation is grown under tropical and sub-tropical climate. In areas with distinct winter season, the yield tends to increase and quality improves. High temperature at the time of fruit development can cause fruit drop. Guavas can be planted at any time of the year, but the warmer months are better.  Plant them 2 to 3 metres from other trees and 5 metres from other guava trees. Dig a hole about twice the size of the bag in which the young tree  is growing. Remove the soil from the hole and add some compost and manure.

Super Napier after 120 days for harvesting

Super Napier  grass for Dairy Farms

How to prepare the soil to plant Super Napier stems / Super Napier grass...


How to Irrigate Onions in the Terrace Garden

  Watering the onion cutting helps it adapt to its new environment and grow roots faster. Give your onion enough water that the soil is damp to the touch, but not soaking wet . Fertilizing your onion plant regularly helps it grow large, healthy bulbs . Spray the onion plant at least twice a month with a nitrogen-rich fertilizer until the onion plant's bulb starts to poke from the soil Onions thrive in soil with a high nitrogen content.

How to plant Onions at home in containers

  Add soil or growth mix into the grow bag / container   Ensure the soil you are adding is enriched with a lot of manure or compost. Add any additional organic fertilizers  if required Soak the onion seeds in water for one day. Drain and keep them in the open for the next 2-3 days . Later, sow the seeds in the soil in a tray These have to be 15 cm apart . So the bulbs have enough space to grow and not hinder each other’s growth

How to plant Super Napier

  Soil should be well pulverized with the use of a rotavator The furrows are made 3 feets  apart. The cuttings are planted flat in the furrows, 2 feets apart, and covered with soil one to two inches thick. 10,000 to 12,000 stems can be planted per acre After planting , irrigate to enhance germination . Always irrigate when necessary

Super Napier - Organic Farming in Tamil Nadu

  Super Napier is a high yielding green fodder . Super Napier can yield  180 to 200 tonnes per acre per year Its leaf length are 6 - 8 cm  broad. They grow up to a high height 12 feet to 15 feet Super Napier has high crisp leaves . They have high leaf stem rate Super Napier can be harvest ed  eight times a year The yield is made in a short period of time. Roots around the nodes can quickly grow.