
Home gardening plan may include selecting the right location, determining the size of the garden, deciding upon the types and varieties of vegetables to plant. You must select a place where the soil is loose, rich and well–drained Make sure there is a water supply Plant in raised beds with rich soil. Raised beds become more space–efficient by gently rounding the soil to form an arc Avoid planting in square patterns or rows. Instead, stagger the plants by planting in triangles. By doing so, you can fit 10 to 14% more plants in each bed. Stretch your season by covering the beds Terrace Gardening / Home Gardening Ideas

How to grow and harvest Tapioca at home?

Tapioca is a root crop and is also known as Cassava and. It is originated from South America and is popular in countries such as India, Brazil, Honduras, Peru and Mexico. Tapioca is largely cultivated in Indian states like Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Andra Pradesh and some North East states. Lets see how to grow and harvest Tapioca at home and farms. a) Planting Method: First prepare the soil using a cultivator and same them soft. Add some Cow Dung fertilizer at the time of cultivating the soil Tapioca is easy to grow, and can be started from cuttings or seedlings Take a mature stem from a tapioca plant and cut to a length of 8 to 14 inches While cutting the stems, remove bottom leaves from the cutting Tapioca stem cuttings can be planted directly in the ground or in large pots Here Tapioca cuttings are planted in rows that are spaced about 3 feet apart Tapioca plants can also be grown from seeds but growing from stem cuttings will be the most effective method Plant the Tuber at the center ...

Benefits of Super Napier

After 75 days of planting Super Napier, they can be harvested and fed to chickens, ducks, horses and rabbits Super Grass is very palatable because the stalks are tender It has a wide range of adaptability so that many farmers can benefit from it. Harvesting is done at intervals of 60 days to 75 days. The first harvest, however, is made three months from planting. Then succeeding harvests are every 45 to 60 days. The stalks are cut close to the ground, and in no time, new shoots or ratoon will come out. Super Napier grass for Dairy Farms

Benefits of having a Rooftop Garden and Landscape

Growing your own garden is a great way to save money on fresh produce. Gardening is a great way to lower your stress levels naturally while spending time in nature and getting some fresh air, which can improve your health and well-being. Rooftop gardens can help to absorb noise, resulting in a quieter building so you hear less of the noise and traffic from outside. More plants and trees can improve air quality, which is especially important in urban settings. Growing an urban garden is a wonderful hobby and a great way to teach your kids about plant life and healthy eating. Another great benefit of having a rooftop garden is that you can control pests naturally with the right plants.

Seaweed Gel Fertilizer for Guava tree


How to control Rhinoceros Bettles in Coconut Tree with Sea Salt


Harvesting Guava Fruits | Guava Cultivation and Harvesting | High Densi...
