Harvesting Banana

Banana stalks take 90 to 120 days from flower production to mature fruit Signs of maturity of banana fruits are, fruit becomes plump and change in color of fruits from deep green to light green . Also after the banana ripens , fruit generally will look smoothe r or plumper and changes from square or sharp angular shape in cross section to a more rounded shape. Yield of the banana depends on the temperature , variety, moisture and culture practices Home growers normally harvest the banana before 10 days of ripening when it is in light green color to avoid damaging of the banana while harvesting . Harvesting bananas involves chopping down the whole tree . Once harvesting is done, store them in a cool, shady area and do not the refrigerate the Bananas. You can ripen them quickly in your home by storing them in a paper bag After harvesting, cut back the tree about a foot and let it dry out in order to allow n...