How to fertilizer Amaranth Greens?


Organic Manure are required in the soil for optimal growth of Amaranth Greens. Plants require both micro and macro nutrients to get good yields and best manure will be Vermicompost.

Vermicompost is a highly nutrient organic fertilizer and it promotes the growth of the plants to a greater extent. This compost is a nature friendly, non-toxic and best organic fertilizer for home gardening and organic farming.

Compared to other organic fertilizer like cow dung compost and poultry compost, vermicompost is the most powerful fertilizer and it has high level of living micro-​organisms that are required for optimal growth of the plants.

For Home Gardening, apply 100 grams of vermicompost for every grow bags and for fruiting trees we need to apply 250 grams of vermicompost per tree.

This manure will restore the fertility of the soil. It will also enhance the water holding capacity of the soil and add essential nutrients such as Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, Vitamins and proteins for the soil.


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